BUPA - Health Insurance Plan

We’re your health and care partner that provides great value health cover plus wellness services to help you and your family, achieve your health and wellbeing goals.
As a member of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia you can look forward to:
- No waiting periods for services you were covered for with your previous health insurer#
- 2 & 6 Month waiting periods on extras are waived for all employees.
- Complimentary access to ‘After Hours Plus’ from National Home Doctor Service. This means when you book an after hours, bulk-billed doctor home visit, the doctor may prescribe common medications, on the spot, at no charge to you. Visit bupa.com.au/afterhoursplus For more information as well as coverage areas.
- Gap free: Bupa will cover the cost of Dental and Physio for dependent children until they turn 25 at a Members First Provider. This includes no out of pocket costs on general dental services like check-ups, teeth cleaning, fillings, x-rays and more. Learn more
- Health Management: access to practical support to improve a health condition, including Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Weight Management Programs and health subscriptions to Diabetes Australia and the Asthma Foundation Find out more.
- Free and ongoing access to Bupa Life Skills, this module-based program offers a combination of online learning with solutions that help explore what it means to be emotionally healthy and well today.
- Discounts on Pet, Home & Contents, Car and Travel Insurance: 15% off travel insurance premiums and 10% off all other premiums. Find out more
- Access to Bupa Plus Keep your mind and body active with some great member discounts on things like gym memberships, movie vouchers and theme park entry. For more information Visit: bupaplus.com.au
- Plus receive an ongoing 4% discount if you join Bupa or are an existing member on an eligible cover*
Our Bupa consultants are here to help, if you would like to know more about the plan, please contact us using one of the methods below:
- Call 134 135 and quote Pharmacy Guild or ID# 2110287 or click here to request a call back
- Click here to view your offer online Logon: guild Password: healthplan
- Email us at [email protected]
- Drop by any of our Bupa Centre’s
- Complete and email our enquiry form
If you already have Bupa and you’d just like to know more about finding a healthier you, visit The Blue Room. Whether you’re raising a family, trying to improve your health and wellbeing, caring for an ageing loved one, or living with a health condition, the Blue room has advice and information you can trust, and real stories to help inspire you to live a longer, healthier, happier life.
# Applicable if you transfer within 60 days of leaving your previous health insurer and upon receipt of your Clearance Certificate. Waiting periods may apply for benefits or services not fully covered with your previous health cover. Any registered International or Australian health insurer, we require a Certificate of Currency, Clearance Certificate or a letter on official letterhead from the previous insurer showing: level of cover held, cover inclusions, restrictions and exclusions, persons covered and start and end dates.
*Discount is reviewed periodically by Bupa and your Company and is subject to change. Must pay by direct debit or payroll deduction (if available)