Australasian Pharmacy



As one of the three pillars of Gold Cross, Australasian Pharmacy is the official trade journal of the Pharmacy Guild. Across the printed magazine, website and weekly newsletter, Australasian Pharmacy curates credible, industry-leading content and continuing education to keep pharmacists, pharmacy assistants, intern pharmacists, pharmacy students and ancillary health professionals informed, educated and connected.

Featuring direct communications from the Pharmacy Guild, NAPSA and the Australasian College of Pharmacy, Australasian Pharmacy includes exclusive member offers and deals as well as professional development modules, business development resources and information on handling socially relevant issues for community pharmacists.

Australasian Pharmacy print magazine is a bi-monthly publication, with 6 editions produced annually. Each edition is distributed to subscribers and sales teams via post.

The magazine is also available as a digital publication to subscribers of the website. Access is via the Publications page.

The weekly Australasian Pharmacy newsletter is sent directly to subscribers each Tuesday. You can become a subscriber to the newsletter by signing up on the website or getting in touch via email:

All PGA members have full access to Australasian Pharmacy print and digital channels and can easily subscribe to those channels via the website –

We work proactively with PGA members to ensure advertisers' and endorsed partners' messages are clear, relevant and targeted to help you achieve your desired outcome.

However you choose to consume your information, whether digital or print or both, we've got you covered. And the best part is that subscriptions are completely free… it's just another way for us to support community pharmacy.




Featured Gold Cross Article

Making the most of health technology could save billions

By Gold Cross - May 8, 2024

New research from the Productivity Commission finds better integrating digital technology into healthcare could ease pressures on our healthcare system and save over $5 billion a year.